3 reasons why you should go camping

Guest Blogger Emma Spiers wrote an article for us about 3 reasons why you should go camping.

There is a reason why we as humans believe it is healthy to be around nature, whether we know the facts or not, we cannot deny it. For only a fraction of human existence, we have been holed up indoors, before the age of this modern lifestyle, we lived harmoniously with the outdoors. So, let’s get back to it and go camping!

3 Reasons why you should go camping

Before I dive in and talk about my love for camping, I’ll make a disclaimer. Being from the often wet and gloomy UK, I know all too well how true it is: everything is weather-dependent! To go camping and the outdoors is unfortunately not always an option for everyone around the world. Though I selfishly want to talk about my experiences in the oh-so-pleasant climate of South Africa. There will be no complaints when you go camping there. I am now spoiled by the perfect camping conditions that the country had to offer. However, nature is unpredictable and that is a part of its beauty. I would just recommend being prepared for any situation, think like a boy scout when you go camping.

South Africa is where I really fell in love with camping. Imagine spontaneously saying let’s go camping this weekend, and you just have to decide what natural wonder you want to be in this time. You pack up everything you need, drive off into the mountains, or to a local dam, or nature reserve. Next up, you set up your tent and immediately breathe in that fresh air and just stare at the view. My boyfriend and I spent many weekends doing this. We have camped in game parks where at any point you can be looking out for animals or hearing a lion roar in the distance.  We have slept in caves and camped in the mountains where every day is a new hiking adventure.


Go camping


One morning whilst making breakfast we had a friendly ostrich visitor who approached us. This ostrich came so close it grabbed food right out of the pan, and after that would not leave us alone. So, we fed it some more (apparently ostriches love French toast, who knew?). South Africa was truly a camping haven but as much as I enjoyed my time there, literally putting up a tent in a green space, wherever that may be, is my idea of a good time. Just thinking back on those memories makes me want to go camping again right away!

Another major reason I love to go camping is that it is super green! It’s great knowing you are not taking anything from nature to provide for you while you are there. Everything you do when you go camping is encouraged by the environment. I always just want to explore, hike and swim. In fact, the best part of all I think is to not even think about checking your phone when you go camping. We all need that break from technology and to go camping is truly a great option for a much-needed green break.

 I have already mentioned I am spoiled by the perfect camping conditions, but I don’t want to put you off. Instead, I am going to give you my top 3 reasons why you should find yourself a tent and get back to nature, wherever you are in the world and go camping! 


Go camping


 1. Immerse yourself in the great outdoors! We have all experienced some form of lockdown and the impending feeling of needing a holiday or a break from our living room. The beauty when you go camping is that it isn’t so limiting. Find a local campsite near you, try wild camping or head a bit further afield in your country and explore the natural beauty it has to offer. There are so many health benefits to spending time outdoors and when you go camping it forces you to do this. You eat, sleep, hike, run, swim, lounge, whatever you wish to do, just by being there you are benefitting your body and mind. Did you know that spending time in nature is known to reduce stress? One study at Chiba University, showed spending just 15 minutes in a natural environment reduced the stress hormone cortisol by 16 per cent. They also point out that our natural senses are better suited for the outdoors, rather than the flashing lights and noises of big city life. If this isn’t a powerful reason to go camping, what is?!

2. It doesn’t have to break the bank. The cheapest holiday ever? Go camping in your garden! While it may not be the most exciting holiday it’s totally an option for many of us now if we are still in lockdown. But overall camping compared to other forms of travel and other holidays is fairly inexpensive. Besides the cost of an actual tent, sleeping bag, and cooking equipment, once you own these items you are good to go. Cooking is a super fun activity and the cost of that completely depends on your own menu and grocery store. But be creative, alfresco dining is the best! The other cost to be aware of is campsites themselves, and more often than not, you are either supporting a locally run private business or a government-run space which (hopefully) circulates some profits back into upkeep on the campsite and the conservation of the local biodiversity. Win-win!


Go camping


3. “Leave only footprints, take only memories.”. With a little effort and a conscience, camping is very eco-friendly and a good option for a sustainable trip. It can be done locally and without the need for air travel, and once you park up at a campsite, the journey to get there should be the only emissions you make. While you go camping, you also consume less water and electricity compared to at home or a hotel. In turn, this can help you to be aware of how much you actually need to consume, after getting back to basics and seeing what is essential. Consider using environmentally friendly products so that no harmful waste goes back into the Earth, and of course, take all of your rubbish/leftovers/recycling with you when you leave. Camping teaches us to take care of the environment so that we can continue to enjoy nature and allow so many others to as well by leaving no trace behind us.

It’s green, it’s cheap and it will benefit your mind and body. If you are still not convinced, then I do not know what more I could say to sway you. But I hope you might consider camping for your next break away from home and enjoy the crack of the campfire, the sound of the birds in the morning, and hopefully an amazing sunset or sunrise to top off your holiday!




Written by: Emma Spiers




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